Charitable Activities and people service

From the basic goals and main objectives to establish Dar Al-Dawa Association is providing all kind of assistance for poor, widows, orphans and other needy persons and providing best treatments to ill person among them. Cooperation in poor community’s marriage as well as providing relief in natural calamities is among the preferred objectives of the Association.

Charitable duties use to be done by below mention ways:-

Dispensary: - There is well equipped dispensary in Jamiah campus in which an expert doctor serves by giving free treatment for Jamia’ s teachers, students. A large number of people from neighboring area also avail by this dispensary free of cost. Jamiah has aim to build a super special hospital to provide special treatment in nearest future.

Orphanage: - The nourishing of orphans is being complicated day to day among the Muslims, although the person who breeds this kind of orphans was rewarded inspiring news by Prophet Mohammad (be peace upon him), Muslims community is neglecting in this regard. Association is focusing and giving special attention on orphans by breeding good exercise of life in its orphanage. There are about 45 orphans in its orphanage availing by any kind of facilities.